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National and Local Crisis:

Domestic Violence and Trafficking:


Children and Youth:

Substance Abuse:


Michigan Psychological is a steadily, but deliberately, growing practice. We are looking for like-minded therapists who have a strong commitment to patient care. We do not rent office space, we operate as a group practice where we share one common goal: excellent patient care and a strong emphasis on professionalism.

We have built our practice by providing an inclusive, welcoming, supportive environment for therapists and patients. Therapists are provided with the support they need to focus on the important work of providing treatment. Additionally we provide an excellent fee split, while managing credentialing, in-house billing, and superior front office staff who support your back-office needs. 

Michigan Psychological provides supervision for LLMSW, LLPC, and TLLP therapists and has many experienced therapists with whom you may consult. Building a strong community for therapists to learn and grow is our objective. If these things are important to you too, please contact us to discuss the possibility of a future at our practice.

Paul Ward PhD
Clinical Director

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